The Hoozing Agent app aims to streamline the process of renting and transferring high-end apartment carts to real estate brokers.
AlphaTech gathered a highly professional team and introduced the following technological features:
- Property Listings
- Booking and Scheduling: The app should facilitate the booking and scheduling process, allowing brokers to request appointments to view properties or arrange transfers for their clients
- Property Details and Media
- Landlord Verification: The app can have a verification process for landlords to ensure their credibility and authenticity. Landlords would need to submit relevant documents and information to verify their identity and property ownership
- Reviews and Ratings
With +10.000 users, The Hoozing Agent app seamlessly connects quality properties with potential customers, ensuring a smooth and efficient rental experience. These advantages contribute to Hoozing’s growth and market position.
Business Analysis, Design, Development, Quality Assurance, Project Management, Support